Signature for Streptomyces platensis F-1

This table gives you a general view of the organism's signature. All mVOCs of the choosen species are represented. Furthermore, other fungal or bacterial species emitting those compounds are displayed. The signature of a bacterium or fungi shows the significance of the mVOCs on the current scientific knowledge. Compounds that are emitted by just one of the listed species are colored in green.


Species 1-Naphthalenemethanol, 1,2, 3,5,6,7,8, 8ª-octahydro-à,à,4,7-tetramethyl-1,4-Dimethyladamantane, [1.alpha., 3.beta., 4.beta., 5.alpha., 7.beta.]-1H-Benzocyclohepten-7-ol, 2,3,4,4a,5,6,7,8-octahydro-1,1,4a,7-tetramethyl-, cis- 1H-Cyclopenta[1,3]cyclopropa[1,2]benzene, octahydro-7-methyl-3-methylene-4-(1-methylethyl)-, [3aS-(3a.alpha.,3b.beta.,4.beta.,7.alpha.,7aS)]- 2,5-Cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione,-methyl-5-(1-methylethyl)-Butanoic acid, 2-methyl-, methyl ester Cyclohexane carboxylic acid, methyl ester Phenol, 2,5-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-
Streptomyces platensis F-1
Tuber simonea
Tuber melanosporum
Tuber mesentericum
Tuber miesentericum
Tuber rufum
Tuber simonea